
EasierUVM from Doulos now written in Python for easier UVM with framework and template generator

This project is maintained by asicnet


The basis of this tutorial are all documents and descriptions of easier-uvm from Doulos.


For better extensibility, maintainability and easier adaptation to different projects the original script was translated to Python. As far as possible, compatibility was taken into account. New key-words in common.tpl and <agent>.tpl and the built in template generator make GEN_UVM a bit more powerful.

Small Tutorial

This tutorial shows only the changes and enhancements in the version written in Python.

We assume that we have a module or entity description. In the tutorial, this is the VHDL entity of a master-slave-config_control component.

  library IEEE;
  use IEEE.std_Logic_1164.all;
  use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

  entity ms_cfg_ctrl is
    generic ( 
       g_data_width : integer:= 8;
       g_conf_width : integer:= 16
    port (
      clock          : in  std_logic ;
      reset          : in  std_logic ;
      ma_get_data    : in  std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0) ;
      ma_send_data   : out std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0) ;
      o_sel          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)              ;
      o_enable       : out std_logic ;      
      sl_get_data    : in  std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0) ;
      sl_send_data   : out std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0) ;
      sel            : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)              ;
      enable         : in  std_logic ;
      --target       :    
      o_config_data  : out std_logic_vector(g_conf_width-1 downto 0) ;
      reg_data       : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)  

Design Description

First, let’s create a file named entity_desc.txt The easiest way is to make a copy of the entity and then reformat it.

Or use the new script ‘ -f <hdl-file> | –help’ in uvm_scripts and change/add the values and agents.

  ENTITY = ms_cfg_ctrl

  DEV = d_data_width   8
  DEV = d_conf_width   16

  PAR = g_data_width   8
  PAR = g_conf_width   16

  !master active

    ma_get_data    ma_get_data    in  [`d_data_width-1:0]  := '0
    ma_send_data   ma_send_data   out [`d_data_width-1:0]  := '0
    o_sel          ma_sel         out [3:0]  := '0
    o_enable       ma_enable      out        := '0

  !slave active

    sl_get_data    sl_get_data    in  [`d_data_width-1:0]  := '0
    sl_send_data   sl_send_data   out [`d_data_width-1:0]  := '0
    sel            sl_sel         in  [3:0]  := '0
    enable         sl_enable      in         := '0

  !target passive

  o_config_data   config_data    out [`d_conf_width-1:0]  := '0

  !register active

  reg_data        config_reg     in  [7:0]   := '0

  !clock_reset active reset

    clock         clk 
    reset         rst_n

The format is an extension of the pin list of easier-uvm. The pinlist (pinlist.txt) is generated!

  ENTITY = <entity name>
  DEV    = <define-name> <value>
  PAR    = <generic-name> <value>
  !<AGENT name> [passive | active]  [reset]

passive or active determines whether the agent has a ‘driver’ and ‘sequencer’ or only a ‘monitor’. If input signals are driven, active must be selected. Reset can only be specified for a single active agent that drives the clock and reset. If it is a bottom-up design, it is advantageous later to have your own agent and not to mix it with another functional block. If clock_reset is selected, it will be generated!

<VHDL-port-name> <SV-interface-name> {in|out|inout} [range start : range end] := <reset value> ;

VHDL-port-name is the name of the signal in the entity.

SV-interface-name the name of the variable in the virtual interface. It is possible to use the same names within
an agent as for another agent, e.g. with the same functionality. However, reuse at the top level can lead to complications. Therefore, independent and unique names are to be preferred.

Specify one of the signal directions in|out|inout The is used for outputs during reset checking and for inputs in the driver and sequencer.

The file entity_desc.txt for the first description of the test environment will no longer be used later, but can be used for a modified regeneration.

Template TPL Generation

Second, we call the script or –setup. See the script gen.cmd in the example directory. The script generates a directory named uvm_. In our example, uvm_ms_cfg_ctrl. Within the directory there is now a template file .tpl and the standard testbench template common.tpl for each agent.      as an example for the further call.
pinlist.txt     for port mapping.         as a template for the waveforms.

The DUT directory contains an SV package for the reset values as a template and the file files.f with the “Design File List” as a template. In the example, the VHDL file ms_cfg_ctrl.vhd must now be copied to DUT/ or the path to the source code in file.f must be added. In the example, the file is with the contents applied.

'define d_data_width 8
'define d_conf_width 16

The file will be viewed later under

  'include'.. /dut/"

involved. The path must be adjusted and compared with the definitions in common.tpl.

Easier UVM

Easier UVM can now be used.

>perl .. / master.tpl slave.tpl target.tpl register.tpl clock_reset.tpl

The script requires an include directory with all defined files. The warning is issued

Continue? (y/n) [n]

The required include files must now be created.


The python script creates all files:

../../uvm_scripts/ master.tpl slave.tpl target.tpl register.tpl clock_reset.tpl
python ../../uvm_scripts master.tpl slave.tpl target.tpl register.tpl clock_reset.tpl
# but change the --if 0:-- to use the __main__py

The first query for <entity-name> must be answered with y. The file can then be compared or merged with <entity-name>_pkg.svh in the DUT directory. Now all files for the agents and the top level are created under directory include/ . In contrast to easier_uvm, a separate directory is created for each agent and top level. If the files are available, the generation is skipped in each case. The testbench is then generated under <project or enity name>_tb/

Individual automation

Global variables are stored in the file. The values must be adjusted:

PROJECT_NAME = Name of the entity or a project
#Data that represents something like an imprint:
copyright = company or person
author    = Who created the TB
email     = of the author
tel       = the author, the company
dept      = Department, Department, Company
company   = Company
year      = Date of Project Begin
version   = of whatever
clock       = port name of the clock - important even if not available
reset       = port name of the reset - important even if not available
clock_reset = Name of the agent module for the clock-reset driver
json_enable = 0 if no database image is to be written, 1 if it is
script_path = "..." complete or indirect path to the uvm scripts.
              In the case of an indirect path, the directory of the call must be assumed.
              tool = "perl" or sys.executable if python is used
              genscript = "" or ""
              script_path = environ.get( "GEN_UVM_PATH", join("..","..",""uvm_scripts") )
              The environment variable GEN_UVM_PATH should be set otherwise 
              the script will be set to ../../uvm_scripts/ expected.
compatible = 1 # 0 -\> not compatible : 1 -\> compatible to easier_uvm


Start cmd.exe or Terminal Command python <path>/ # Attention Python version 3.x

--------------- pinlist ------------------------
generate TOP
Interface: top
Interface: master_if_0
Interface: slave_if_0
Interface: target_if_0
Interface: register_if_0
Interface: clock_reset_if_0
generate shell script gen_tb.cmd with :call "python.exe" "../gen_uvm/uvm_scripts\" master.tpl slave.tpl target.tpl register.tpl clock_reset.tpl
Generation done!

The directory uvm_ms_cfg_ctrl was created and the JSON file was written uvm_ms_cfg_ctrl.json.

  |- dut
      | files.f
      | ms_cfg_ctrl_pkg.svh
  | clock_reset.tpl
  | common.tpl
  | gen_tb.cmd
  | master.tpl
  | pinlist.txt
  | register.tpl
  | slave.tpl
  | target.tpl
  | uvm_ms_cfg_ctrl.json

When these first steps are successfully completed, the generated script should be present gen_tb.cmd or These are now always to be called up or their content. Before that, copy the file ms_cfg_ctrl.vhd to dut from the example directory. The tpl files are just one example of which files and settings could be used. All possibilities are shown in the examples of easier_uvm of Doulos. A more detailed list for gen_uvm will follow! With EasierUVM, the encoding of the defined include files is now the first task of the verifier. Template Generation

gen_uvm has a built-in template class, “class uvm_template(object):”. This generates all include files that have been defined in the TPL files. The content is:

// AGENT NAME: {agent_name}
// PATH : {ref["project"]+"/tb/include/"+ref['agent_name']}
// GENERATOR : {me} for {name}

If a file exists, it is used as a template generator. With a project-related file e.g the generation can be customized. In the configuration file, the entry for this is tmplt_include_file = ‘myproject_template’ The template_class file can have any <name>[.py]. It is named in the configuration (tmplt_include_file = “myproject_template”) or in the TPL file common.tpl (tmplt_include_file = uvm_template) If it is not possible to load the template class, the internal class uvm_template is used. The file exists as a template. When creating a project-related class, copy lines 1 to 75 and develop your own subroutines. The following definitions are available as working modules:


QuestaSim Support

The simulator QuestaSim (ModelSim) is especially supported because it was used in development. A file is created once and then copied to …/<project>_tb/sim each time it is called. Make edits only to this file.

run_batch.cmd or start a simulation in batch mode.
run_gui.cmd   or   start the simulation in the GUI

In the directory …/<project>_tb/sim, the files are updated every time is called. These are:      controls batch simulation
common.tcl    TCL proc() collection for GUI/batch simulation    only controls generation and compilation
compile.tcl   compiles the design and testbench        controls GUI simulation
vgui.cmd      starts GUI Simulation (WIN)       used by vgui.cmd or       starts GUI Simulation (LINUX)       wave forms, copy from .. /.. /

All simulation results can also be found in the directory …/<project>_tb/sim/